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Old 07-12-2009, 08:07 PM   #6165
Doin Time on Planet Earth
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Default Re: What cigar did you smoke today?

Two Rocky Patels. One good, one not so good...

Dave gifted several OWRs at our last, monthly Deer Park
herf. Mine rested until today, and I decided to treat
myself. Unfortunately the quality of the OWRs has
seriously deteriorated over the past year or so.
This stick disintegrated in my hand. Construction was
way too loose causing very uneven burn. It was a struggle
to keep it lit, too. This has happened more and more
with more recent gifts and purchases. The older OWRs
were a work of art, while these are hardly worth the effort.

On the good side, I had an Edge Missile maduro, while playing
golf with my brother. A nice, tight roll, with good draw and
the usual Edge flavor. A very enjoyable stick, and much cheaper
than the OWRs.

It's easy to see why the OWR price is dropping. And, for the money,
the Edge Missiles are by far the better deal.

I'm going to have to reconsider the OWRs as one of my 'go to' sticks.
The Pepin JJ maduros might just step into the void left by the OWRs.

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