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Old 07-11-2009, 11:29 PM   #469
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Default Re: Official MMA Thread

Originally Posted by BengalMan View Post
Nope, I could care less who won. But if you had a clue about how far the UFC has come from all the bullshit that it faced years ago, then you would know that Lesnar's actions and comments did nothing but put the sport back. But congrats on not watching the WWE in over a year. Good look.
I have watched the UFC since Royce schooled everyone in the first couple of UFC's. I know the sport well. Lesnar sells tickets and PPV's that's what it has become. Don't get mad cause Lesnar is riding the gravy train. I remember Royce tapping Shammy when shammy was somebody in under 3 minutes with a choke. Let's face it it is all about who sells the most and you can thank Dana and the owners for that. Don't hate the player hate the game bro.

Everyone hated Tito cause he was a "bad boy " but he sold tickets and PPV's.
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