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Old 07-11-2009, 10:34 PM   #29
Not Crazy enuff to B Here
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Default Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

The problem with Troop Support on the other site is the loosing of those who made it thier priority to maintain it to a higher standard. Everyone has thier own reasons of leaving and finding a new home and I hate to see all the negitive across all the boards. We all have opinions and we all have our own feelings.

Papajohn has done some amazing things for the troops as has alot of others and I can see thier disgust,but you all have moved on to a new place and are still maintaing that standard. I have sent my own packages and trades to the troops of those I know. There is a differnt breed over there.

There are ways of showing people where you are around the filter as I have pmed those looking for thier friends before the merger.

Enjoy a smoke and be glad we have places like this.

Not Crazy enough to be here....
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