Jon C. boy I said it!! Time to toss me too!! Please toss me!!
Why the anger directed your way. I visited the site today and checked out the Cigars For The Troops section. All I can say is R.I.P....dead as a door-nail. A couple of requests from troops, but zippo for these guys.
So I decide I'll PM them and give them an invite to CA who still gives a damn about the folks risking their butts everyday for the likes of you. I do my little PM invitation and what do I see while proof reading my message..."Cigar******". Who?
You sorry little peckerwood!!. Well just plain

Man what a let down. Club Stogie turns into "Puff.Com", aka screw the troops just don't let
anyone clue the troops into the folks who can help them out.
As for our Mods, pull this and I'm going to hunt you down.
Frigging venting my ass off!!