This post has come about due to recent events that have pushed me to post up my feelings and thoughts. I merely ask that you allow me to unload this burden.
I recently sent ahc4353 a gift ( I did so after realizing that no matter how innocent my questions/comments, Al saw them as combative. I wanted to send a well thought out and meaningful gift to let him know that I am not his enemy. I sent a gift that took me a long time to source along with a picture of Picasso's Guernica (the symbolism can be found here: )When I replied in the thread that it was from me, he had it closed and then actually sent back the cigars that I had gifted him.

I felt a wide array of emotions, but mostly sadden, that a gift of peace and forgiveness was shown such disdain.
I say this because I want this to stop. Call it drama, call it whining, call it what you will. I feel my reputation has been tarnished and in a sense my Olive branch snapped in two and sent back. This is not just some internet board to me as I feel the terms brother and sister are genuine and have a special meaning here. I would love to meet each of you in person some day without the fear of prejudice or contempt.