Originally Posted by Mr. Ed
Here's a question. What are your thoughts on Hebrew National Franks? Good or would you recommend any other Kosher dogs?
good question. one that was addressed on the "where my jew's at?" thread at length.
In a blind taste test of some kosher hotdogs Shor HaBor won HANDS DOWN!! even non-kosher hot dog lovers found them superior to their favorite brands.
I happen to agree, Shor HaBor is superior in every way. The flavor is phenomenal. They are also made without hormone etc. bad-for you meat.
There are also a new brand of Organic hotDog by Wise Kosher that don't taste like hotdog, more like delicious seasoned sausage, that are delicious and healthy - just meat and spices.
If you are ever in Los Angeles, go to Jeff's Sausage Co., a Glatt Kosher spot in beverly hills - phenomenal!! If you can ever corner Jeff himself and have him give you a breakdown of his meat pickling, koshering, sausage making, drying etc. processes you will learn something and tastes some of the most crazy delicious meats ever. His dried and wet sausages, hot dogs, homeade hamburgers etc. are amazing