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Old 07-10-2009, 01:47 PM   #3
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Default Re: Remember my Verizon Wireless rant?

Originally Posted by shilala View Post
I got it all settled awhile back when they tried to hose me down.
So today the Comcast guy came to downgrade my tv and internet service, cause we just don't use it.
Before he starts, and when he's done, I make him check my internet speeds.
I'm downloading at just under 1 meg.
That'd be cool, but I keep notes every time I talk to any of these smarmy lying corporate asswipes. I was quoted 1 1/2 to 2 megs down.
The tech couldn't do anything, he was cool. I sent him home with a pack of Cohiba cigs and a couple cc's.
As soon as he left, I made a phone call and gave Comcast their first installment of shilala charm.
I took notes, accepted the lie I was told by clay that "Adam will call you when he's off the call he's on", and now I'll wait a few days. (Adam is the guy who quoted me 1 1/2 to 2 megs, and I got his extension and "special" phone number when I first talked to him.)
Then comes installment two of shilala charm, but I'll be talking to the supervisor.

I'm just absolutely sick of the constant lying and cheating that is shot through corporate america. Why even tell a guy 1 1/2 to 2? What point does the lie even serve? He says 1 meg, I say okay. Deal done. Everything is cool.
Now we got a problem.
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