Originally Posted by 68TriShield
Albert,the alternative is her being hurt or worse.
Non lethal means will probably only piss the loonytoon off more.
When and if he gets out,she needs to be packing heat and not a 22cal.

Yeah, I unfortunately had a childhood friend go loony (bipolar disease and refuses to take his meds) and he flipped out on a female cop while naked. She ended up pepper spraying him and then shoot him 6 times. I wasn't there and there were no witnesses, but the police report stated that he was still fighting with the officer until he went unconscious. He survived and I've since seen him and talked with him around the old neighborhood, but he is certified crazy. His parents ended up moving from the city out of fear of their own son, because he turned on them a few times (once while they were sleeping).
If this guy is certified crazy, the non-lethal option, may not be the best option for your MIL.