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Old 07-10-2009, 08:22 AM   #41
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Default Re: Non Lethal Self Protection Advice

OP lemme chime in from my perspective based on 8 years in law enforcement.

1) Get a restraining order immediately.

2) Convince you MIL to carry in her yard. Open carry if permitted by law is best as this is a detterent even for a person such as your neighbor.

3) You NEVER shoot to wound. You NEVER shoot to kill. You shoot to stop. This is an important difference here. Even if your shots to stop are two shots to center mass, which they always should be. Premeditated murder can still be commited even if it is an intruder if you shoot to kill, unless you live in one of the very few states with strong Castle Doctrine. Even then in a civil affair saying you shot to kill will likely loose the case and considering the few challenges to Castle Doctrine do you want to take that chance with felony charges should the DA choose to file? And you really need to know the laws where you live; in some states merely pulling a firearm is legally the same as shooting someone as it is all considered use of deadly force.

4) Less than lethal forces take training and more often than not require backup to be effective in their use and implementation. The type of less than lethal that really doesn't is a taser, but do you want this person to be within arm's reach of your MIL?

5) In an ideal world the courts could fix this douche with a shock collar that jolts his family jewels every time he crosses into your MILs property. Oh well

Last edited by kydsid; 07-10-2009 at 08:28 AM.
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