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Old 07-10-2009, 06:45 AM   #30
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Default Re: Non Lethal Self Protection Advice

Originally Posted by taltos View Post
One other great non lethal self protection device is a tall fence with a key locked gate. If he climbs the fence he is fair game to be taken out by any means necessary, lethal or non lethal. Check local laws, she very well could have more legal problems(civil) turning a dog on him than killing him in self defense.
Sadly enough this is probably more correct. Although if he falls off the fence trying to climb over it there are some lawyers who will get your in-laws money for the guy. Dogs can be poisoned or get you into trouble if they bite someone, even an intruder.

I understand the MIL not wanting to use lethal force, but it is the only guarantee that this guy will stop. There has already been a pattern of violence and the in-laws just knowing of this pattern could be enough to make the case for them feeling a threat of eminent physical harm with the possibility of death, because you never know when good ol' crazy turns into murderous rage. Two rounds through the chest. Hollow points would be my recommendation.
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