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Old 07-10-2009, 04:40 AM   #24
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Default Re: Non Lethal Self Protection Advice

Originally Posted by TanithT View Post
"...Shooting him in the leg or the crotch isn't likely to kill him".
Actually, that's exactly where the femoral artery is located. Damage the femoral artery and he'll be a goner in minutes.

To the OP, I would be sure that those surveillance cameras were re-installed (assuming they haven't already since the one was ripped down), get a restraining order (violating this will demonstrate a patter of behavior and leave a paper trail as to your in-laws trying legal means (on paper) to defend themselves), and sign her/them up for a gun safety course at the local gun range. This will give her familiarity when handling a weapon and confidence from practice. Additionally, be sure she keeps the certificate of completion in case she ever needs to resort to deadly force and is asked to appear in court.
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