Originally Posted by heavyd
Pepper spray works on most people, but not all. Look into getting a restraining order on the guy. Sure, it's just a piece of paper and it can't stop a determined psycho, but at least the cops can arrest him on the spot for violating it (assuming Georgia law is similar to California). Best wishes to your family members, Albert... that's a bad situation 
Dunno about Georgia law, but Louisiana law gives a lot of leeway to use lethal force if a restraining order is violated intentionally.
For the average person, shooting someone anywhere
but center of mass is simply not an option. Despite hours and hours of training, and no matter how good a shot you might be, you simply cannot predict the human reaction to the presence of an immediate threat. I heard of a rookie cop that got into a shootout, blasted over 40 rounds into the side of a car and the house behind it and completely missed the guy sitting in the driver's seat from less than 20 feet. Adrenaline dumps will cause all that training and accuracy to go to complete waste if you've never experienced one before.
The best thing is to simply be smart. Carry your non-lethal goodies, but also observe common safety tips. Don't go out at night if it's unnecessary, always travel in pairs when coming or going (or be on the phone with someone), watch each others' backs when you are out. If he crosses into your property, go back inside immediately and call the police. Avoid him if you see him in public, and check with a lawyer or the city prosecutor/DA to see if there's a legal way to force him to move after repeated violations and a restraining order.