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Old 07-08-2009, 09:46 PM   #18
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Default Re: Any tabletop gamers here?

Originally Posted by TanithT View Post
I already run a "steampunk and sorcery" game online, in a text based interactive format. The system is a storytelling based homebrew, with some percentile based skill checks, and I have the dice generator programmed into the MUCK software we're using. It's got a full cast at the moment, but you could drop me a note if you're seriously interested in committing your Tuesday evenings to a steampunk game.

I could indeed run a play-by-post RPG game here, though to catch maximum interest from this crew I'd suggest something like a murder mystery in an Old West, 1920's or modern setting, with cigars prominently featured. Experienced players would design their own characters and be given specific background information that those characters would know. Less experienced players could opt to be handed a pre-generated character with personalities, motivations, contacts among the other characters, and pieces of crucial information about the mystery.

The game would essentially be about interacting with the other characters and asking the right questions to put the pieces of the puzzle together before the deadline, when time runs out and the murderer gets away in triumph.

If there's sufficient interest I'll put it together and post it up. Might have to make it a cigar pool while we're at it; first winning PM to solve the crime based on the logic of the evidence presented takes the pool. If the mystery is not solved by the deadline, I post the evidence that was missed so everyone can see what questions they could have asked in order to win, and the pool is mine. It will be a fair game, and doing the right things in a reasonably logical sequence or asking the right questions will yield the correct answer.

I would love to play! I havent played DnD since ummm 20 years ago? (damn I am old) I would love to play but I would need a brush up on how to...

I am game for DnD or what you have posted...
Your silly little opinion has been noted!

Last edited by kgoings; 07-08-2009 at 10:00 PM.
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