Originally Posted by EEE
definitely wasn't meant as an attack, and, like I said - I have been reading a lot of posts here and voiced what trend(s) I have found.
If slamming the door shut after smoking one cigar, and everyone else is ok with that kind of mantra then, well, allllllrighty then.
will go back to staying behind the scenes and just reading. thanks.
Having you as a passive member was not my intention. From what I've experienced here, all opinions are welcomed. It just struck me as odd that you used your 1st post to generalize the CA members' thoughts and opinions as a whole, by stating "how negative this site is on some manufacturers but are overly positive on others." In fact, you used an older review to support this "trend" that you believe. A "hi I'm from… and I like cigars..." might have been a better 1st post. That's just my opinion and I don't speak for CA as a whole or for anyone else here at CA for that matter. Smoke what you like and read the cigar reviews for what they are… someone's individual opinion concerning what they liked or disliked, and hopefully why.