So a few weeks ago Vin gave me a rather large cigar, probably a churchill or DC, without a band or any markings on it for me to tell him my thoughts on before revealing what it is. i decided to do a full-out review. here are my findings:
The appearance was so-so, a nice triple cap, but had a few veins and some green spots (mostly around where the band would have been, where i've found most green spots to be on cigars). cut beautifully, pre-light didnt taste anything in particular, but it had a good draw. a bit squishy/underfilled, but didnt turn out to affect the smoke
The first third was a bit harsh on the nose exhale, hard to discern any flavors because of the burn on the nose, but it had sort of a sweet earth
Second third changed completely right at the transition point. less burn on the nose, milder in taste, creamy almond and wood
Final third saw some burn problems which corrected themselves, but did go out with about an inch and a half left, to which i had to relight. i purged 2-3 times near the end, and got a sweet taste, which i enjoyed, put it down with about an inch left
Overall, it had a nice burn (besides at the end), a nice draw, and some interesting complexity. nice ash, flaky and a mix between light and dark ash. i thought it was pretty full body, but didnt realize how bad it hit me till i walked around a little. needless to say, i had to go grab something sweet to nosh on after.
would i buy it again? probably not, the first third really turned me off to it, however i would smoke another if it were gifted or traded to me
alright vinny... what did i just smoke?