Originally Posted by livwire68
I was having a great ride the other day, lost in my own little world going down the freeway (I know I was still in town but enjoying the ride anyhow) The motorcycle cop also thought it was a good day to ride. When he seen me go by, he couldnt wait to join me. So I pulled over to have a general conversation with a fellow biker. And it went something like this: Cop- 90 in a 65? Me- I shrug like "so"! Well I am sure you know how the rest of the story goes, except he got me also for having out of state tags. And the lawyer wont be able to help me on this one, so I will have to change over my tags, go to driving school and pay out the ass, all because I was having a good day. I kind of wish I was going faster to make it worth while, hind sight 20/20.
Anyhow keep the rubber to the ground and the shiney side up! 
Sorry to hear about your experience. That will always put a damper on a ride. If you don't mind telling, where were you when this happened?
Originally Posted by MarkinCA
I don't ride, but my good neighbor across the way from us has a nice HD "shovel" I believe its called, and boy does that bike sound beautiful when he fires it up!
He once told me that he has a can of nitro fuel that he mixes with the regular gas in the tank to kick up the octane a smidge. When he kicks it over, the engine simply purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssss
That sounds is unforgetably beautiful