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Old 10-31-2008, 10:25 AM   #1
Tio Gato
Uncle Kitty
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Default Humidors stolen, I need some kind words...

I'm looking for a few kind words of reassurance.
I came home yesterday afternoon to find a dozen or so cigars in my driveway. I thought a bomb had been left by the mailman and the dog tore it open. Then I noticed all the blue crystals from my HumiCare jars scattered about also.

The bums smashed my plate glass window and ransacked the house. They stole about 10k worth of watches and our laptops. But what really pissed me off, they stole two humidors. One was a freebie with mostly lousy Padilla Achilles and Obsidians. But the other one was my first "real" humidor my wife had given me for our first Christmas many years ago. It was a Diamond Crown with a brass name plate that said "Uncle Kitty". (My silly nickname.) I had hoped to pass this on to my nephew some day. It was full of oddball cigars I had collected for the bands. Thankfully they didn't steal the other dozen or so humidors I have, the one with the "wicked good" cigars is fine. They didn't steal the Tupperdores packed with unopened boxes, thank God.

Needless to say, the alarm company will be out in the morning to install a system. I gotta protect the rest of my smokes.

Thanks for reading this somewhat pointless post. But I had to share this with people who can appreciate the loss of cigars. The police and the insurance company can't seem to "feel my pain" on this one. The police detective said that whoever stole them would probably turn them into blunts.

Any kind words of assurance that I can share with my wife will be very appreciated. She's flippin' out and is talking of moving to the woods of Maine. She's trying hard to look on the brightside, no one was hurt, etc.
but she's having a tough time. I'm sure some of you have experienced something like this and can impart some wisdom to calm the Mrs. with.

Ahhh, I feel better already. This venting is way better than therapy.

The PO'd cigar chomping fat cat from Massachusetts, Uncle Kitty
"You stink like cigars Uncle Kitty!" Said my Boo age 3.
"Kid, take care of your family and the hell with anyone else" My Grandpa Bubba.
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