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Old 06-30-2009, 01:33 PM   #11
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Default Re: Best Cigar Oasis Model For Vinotemp?

Shilala points out exactly my situation on my Edgestar. Unless I want a $400 Electric bill 78 when home and 85 when not is the best I can do in my house. I have resorted to a open drain, to allow the water out of the unit like designed, 2lbs of beads, an oasis and a large jar of humi gel. The oasis needs water every 3 days, beads too. But I stay between 63 and 66 % humidity top to bottom. I end up emptying the water catch once a month with about an inch of water. I found if I plug the hole I get way too much water inside the unit and uncontrollable spikes in the humidity.

I am thinking about adding shelves to see if cedar will help the situation.
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