Thread: The Pacific....
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Old 06-25-2009, 03:03 PM   #19
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Default Re: The Pacific....

Originally Posted by bigloo View Post
The Russians has a few border wars with the Japanese after the war in Europe ended, not much else. Although Japan invaded China and drew massive response from the Soviets, this was not the 1942-45 Pacific war, this happened in the late 30's. Also European "participated" in the Paicific but was too busy picking up the pieces to really get involved, the support was small. I think the war in Europe was much bigger than that in the Pacific. I am not playing down the Pacific war (of 1942-45), just giving a reason why it does not get as much coverage. It does boil down to Japan vs. USA though. Sure the Aussies had people in their, I believe so did the Thailand, but the vast vast majority of forces can from two countries. The war in China is even more unreported/filmed then the other wars. Millions of Chinese died at the hands of the Japenese and this gets almost no coverage.
what about the british forces thay were fighting the japanese there years before america joined the war in places like singapor borneo burma hong kong most of south east asia and even northern india
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