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Old 06-24-2009, 07:43 AM   #25
Gravy Boat Winnah.
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Default Re: First personal firearm thread

Originally Posted by floydpink View Post

Replicant, I have the speed strips loaded in my glove box just in case.
You have a glove box on your scooter? Cool, Pete.... Some people don't think they have a good option for reloads with revolvers, and think they need a "bulky" speed loader they would either have to put on a belt, (really? I don't think I would) or stuff in a pocket, (Golf ball in your pants, anyone?) Just throwing it out there, speed strips are a pretty elegant solution. If I was carrying a revolver, I would definitely do strips in something like this:
(local guy, makes nice stuff and is very affordable, gratuitous plug)
Some days call for a stiff Pomade.
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