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Old 06-24-2009, 02:30 AM   #12
Have My Own Room
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Default Re: First personal firearm thread

There are lots of good firearms out there. If you have a range that rents firearms I suggest trying different ones to see what works best for you. Guns are like smokes, not everyone likes the same thing. I have a Glock 23 sitting under the pillow right next to me, but I like it because there's no external safeties to get in the way. But I have no kids and don't worry about such things.

If you have kids in the house look into a safe that bolts under the bed like the gunvault. It will keep a gun locked up but easily accessed in your bedroom. I have a large safe for my guns in the "Armory" room. If you want a full size safe Costco has a decent one on sale right now.

Hope you find what works for ya.
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