Trinity Alps/Canyon Creek hike-&-herf
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06-21-2009, 07:28 PM
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Trinity Alps/Canyon Creek hike-&-herf
I just returned home from a grueling, humbling and truly magnificent hike/herf in the Trinity Alps. My friends and I hiked twenty-something miles over the past three days and climbed over 4000 ft. in elevation throughout the trip. We saw countless waterfalls and extremely beautiful rock formations during the hike not to mention three icy cold lakes and quite a bit of wildlife. There were many highlights to the trip, however, three of us agreed that the cigars at the end of a long days hike were highpoints for us. My two buddies who partook in the smoking were extremely grateful that I hiked in my travel humidor and both agreed that the trip wouldn't have been the same without it. Beautiful scenery, good friends, laughter and cigars to top off the day! Life is good right now
Thanks for looking and reading if you've gone thus far. Here are some pix of the trip