06-17-2009, 10:27 AM
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Dice
Location: Galaxy Far Far Away
Posts: 10,168
Re: Why arent you writing reviews?
I really enjoy doing reviews. However, 1) they take a lot of time (to do them right), 2) there are too many brands and interests in brands that I haven't tried yet, and 3) I have not felt a lot of love for the reviews that I have posted lately.
In case of criticism for #3: I don't do reviews for love but is nice to have some positive (any kind of) feedback. Case-in-point: my review of the Pinar Del Rio Clasic Exclusivo. I see 91 people have read it and no one posted a reply of any kind. http://www.cigarasylum.com/vb/showthread.php?t=12931
On the old site people use to give rep points for doing a nice job on a review... it doesn't happen there any more, or here, apparently. Like I said I don't do them for that reason. I've seen guys get more attention for posting a review on flavored sticks than on the more serious stuff.
I have about four or five reviews ready to post but I haven't had the energy to post them.
Sorry for the rant...
Smoke what you like!!!