Because of the botl's that were willing to sponsor my dumb ass, in the last six months my woodworking skills have come along by leaps and bounds.
The wood makes a guy learn his tools, and I've learned my way around them very well. I only sawed the pads off my fingers once, and it was only three of them, so that wasn't too bad.
I've completely stopped hurting myself with the table saw now.
I can crank out boxes pretty fast, and have bought the stuff I need to do what I want to do "the right way".
I'm just finishing up a desktop thermoelctric that is the coolest thing on earth, and it's turning out very well. The reason it's turning out so well is because of these couple half-assed boxes the brothers were willing to sponsor.
I've built a lot of other things by improving on techniques I learned making these boxes, and the quality, fit and finish gets better every time.
The point is...
Were it not for the brothers that sponsored this effort, I'd not have learned what I've learned. You can't price the gift of knowledge, and there aren't words to describe the thanks.
Best I can say is that there's an incredible amount of love involved in these boxes from many different angles. It's great testimony to goodness of our brotherhood.
Peace out.