Thread: Ashton ESG
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Old 06-15-2009, 05:14 PM   #1
Peter's Daddy
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Default Ashton ESG

It's a nice day out and I figured I needed to get out of the house, so instead of running errands, I ended up at my local B&M. Here is my story...

I didn't know what to grab so I just grabbed whatever was near me, and it happened to be the Ashton ESG Estate Sun Grown.

This is is beaut. from the wrapper to the label. Had little veins, very smooth looking stick, with light oily wrapper. After I decided to punch the thing, I did took a pre-light draw... this is going to be a good smoke.

The smoke

After lighting this beaut up, I found this stick to be a bit more mellow and a hint of cream to it. I didn't find it to be as peppery/spicy as I thought. After smoking the first half of this stick, I detected a leathery taste, something that I expected from this stick. Toward the half way mark on this stick, I was surprisingly hit with many flavors. I'm getting flavors such as: nuts, cinnamon, and a little pepper. What a great blend! The complexity of this stick is something to smoke for, though it's turning to be a bit on the mild-med bodied, something I'm not use to.


Even though this smoke is suppose to be their top of the line cigar, I thought the VSG is just as equally the same. If you are looking to smoke something that will knock you off your feet, this is not the stick for you. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed this cigar and I'd smoke it again but this is a little out of the norm for me to smoke something mild-med. For the price, you can find something else either just as good or better. Hope you enjoyed this review. Cheers.

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