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Old 06-10-2009, 04:41 AM   #14
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Default Re: Humidity problems

the unit is 35x22x16 with a glass front New insulation around door and 2 oust fans a cigar oasis and 15 silica gel package in draw below. I put the humi in a room with AC running all day long, i have no humidification units at all for 2 weeks now here are the readings inside
top self 65/73
middle shelf 66/72
bottom shelf 65/72

its only a year old worked perfect all winter once the weather outside changed my humi rose everyday i tried the humi in each rooms and no luck also the beads are 65% and there only a year old

i tried to put the garbage bag over the humi and the humi is a lot bigger then contractor bags so i have to find bags that big ,this is my last chance i am gonna put a hygo in the room now and go to work

Thanks for your help
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