Re: legal advice needed
Sorry to hear about what you are going through,,,thank your lucky stars you didn't have kids or you'd have to deal with her for the rest of your life. I don't know the law in Illinois as far as community property laws. If you get a lawyer be prepared to pay for every single note, memo, phone call, from your side as well as her side because a lot of paperwork goes both ways. If she is really PO'd at you she isn't going to give a crap about logic,,,she's hurt and she wants you to hurt just as much if not more than she does,,,does it sound like I have been there,,,oh yeah. If I could do it all over again I would not even get a lawyer and let her pi$$ and moan all she wants,,,at the end of the day you will end up splitting everything anyway,,,just tell her you want mediation and you will save yourself tons of money. Better haul a$$ to your bank before she cleans out every account you have in both your names or charges the cards to the hilt.
Good luck!