Originally Posted by MarkinCA
I agree with the above comments here. If you've done everything that you could to mend and keep it together, but its still falling apart, the best thing to do is hire a good attorney who is a great listener and who can mediate a positive divorce for both parties. The main issue is to keep a positive outlook on life and keep it moving forward, you know? Keep it moving forward and don't look back...
Anyone who has Clancy "MF" Brown as an avatar needs a response. Just in case.
I'm divorced nearly 10 years now after 12 years of marriage, two kids, both of us now remarried, live in the same neighborhood and we talk a few times each week. The advice above is all good, especially the part about the junkyard dog.
If kids are involved, I would recommend picking up an excellent book "Mom's House, Dad's House" by Isolini Ricci. Really helped me/us put together some structure in the interest of the kids, and it put things in perspective as only a disinterested third party can do. We ended with a joint-custody arrangement allowing each parent 50% "visitation", and we split tax responsibility/credit for the kids.
I'm not a professional so I don't fee comfortable providing advice, but feel free to hit me up with a PM if you want to know how I survived or just need support.
Best of luck to all of you going through this, it's a tough time.