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Old 06-07-2009, 09:27 PM   #6
Taters of the lost Ark
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Default Re: legal advice needed

Don, I havne't gone through one but have a couple handful of friends that have. If it's amicable, then get someone to mediate. I've got a local friend that smokes a lot at Bull and Bear that might give you a hand. If its too far past the mediate stage, just make sure you don't drag things costs money and also creates tons of friction. Also, be fair and don't just give in to demands. In this market, its going to be hard to divide up assets, but if oyu can show the lawyers and the judge that you are trying and doing the steps necessary, you come out looking better.

I know the heartache and pain is still there and will be there for a long while. It won't ever go away, you just become numb to it and eventually learn how to 'cope'. You have got a ton of friends here Don and that hopefully means a lot to you. I know it would to me.

Don't do anything rash my friend. Just step away and take a breather. contact me if you need to hang and vent. I'll give you my # again.

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