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Old 06-03-2009, 11:03 AM   #11
Welcome to my nightmare
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Default Re: Does anyone hate Verizon Wireless like I do?

Scott, I am so with you.

My ex started our account with Verizon. We began with three phones, giving one to our oldest (of three), and one for each of us. I eventually dropped my phone because I get a phone free from work. Guess who the account is with?

Since then, my other two kids have phones on the plan, and I am obligated by the divorce decree to pay for my ex's phone so she can call the kids free from MI.

Also since then I have remarried. My wife had an account with...guess who? Four more phones, including her ex's which we pay for since he's an unemployable drunk and we still want the kids to be able to talk to him.

That's a grand total of seven phone that we wanted to consolidate into one grand plan. Nope. Verizon imposes a limit of five phones per plan. Got a bigger family than that? Too bad, &#@$ you.

Everybody on our plan has their own online account so they can download tones...stuff like that. I call verizon and tell them I want a profile on the account so I can manage all the options on an ongoing basis. After all, I pay for all of it, usually to the tune of $275 to $350 per month.

Nope, I can't have a profile because I don't have an actual phone number on the account. They tell me I must usurp one of the other accounts and change the password. Huh?

Farging iceholes. I hate Verizon.
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