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Old 05-29-2009, 04:04 PM   #119
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Job Site Sticks.


Today started off very well. Morning cigar, Tampa Sweethearts, #500 Maduro. As some of you may have already read my review of these in the non-cuban review section...nothing has changed. Every single one of these I have smoked is as good as the last. If you were blindfolded you would have no idea you were smoking a $2.14 cigar ($42.75 for a bundle of 20).

Even though these things are rolled by apprentice rollers for A. Fuente, you would not know it. Every one of them in my bundle look the exact same, and have a perfect draw. Tons of smoke, that is smooth enough to nose with every draw. I absolutely love these things...which is a bad thing for my local B&M's because I will not be smoking as many big money sticks.

The only bad thing I can think of is they do not come in any sizes larger. As soon as I nub one out, I want to lite another.

Nice burn from start to finish...and it does have a very nice finish. I brought along a 26 PAM to smoke after lunch becuase I knew nothing else was going to top what my morning smoke was. Unfortunitly I had a very rough afternoon, and did not want to waste a great smoke on such a horrid day.

Perhaps I will smoke that tomorrow since I have to work...or maybe I will smoke three TS #500 Maduros instead.

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