Originally Posted by flat6nut
Still sick but I could not resist trying another one of my Ybor purchases (I bought a few of these because I have been looking for them for awhile locally with no luck till now).
Olivas' Master Blend #3 Even though I was still not feeling perfect, the cigar tasted wonderful. Full flavor and lots of smoke. so glad I have more of these to try when I am not sick.
What a great looking cigar these things are.
I was feeling alot better today (5-18-09), and had planned on smoking an ESG to celebrate...but it was way to rainy to waste. Looks like the rain will be here all week.
Thanks everyone who has enjoyed this thread. Perhaps I can give better reviews in the future. There is always tomorrow!
How far are you from Tampa Humidor, reason I ask is because I was there today and they carry both of these cigars. They are a good retailer to find many hard to find cigars that you can't find at other retailers.