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Old 05-28-2009, 07:38 PM   #113
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Default Re: Job Site Sticks.


Todays first smoke was another cigar I have heard mixed reviews on, but I am constantly trying something new as everyones tastes are not the same.
San Cristobal, Clasico 5x50.

This size and shape of cigar along with having a maduro wrapper is something I am always drawn to. They fit perfect in my hands without getting in the way of work, so I had high hopes. probably had them set to high because the only thing great about these guys is the looks and the pretty band. I sure hope I smoke something new that I like soon, because this thing was a turd.
Really hard cigar to nub.

Speeking of nub...Thats waht my after lunch cigar was. Nub, Habano

Not the biggest fan of the Nubs, but the Habano is one that I will smoke about once a month. To be honest, I smoke them because they are a change from the norm and they look cool. Just another mild to slightly medium cigar that always gives me the bitter bite at the back of my tongue towards the end of the cigar. I am however really looking forward to trying the new Nub Maduros I hear are coming that some have already tried.

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