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Old 05-26-2009, 02:10 PM   #127
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Default Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by billyrayvalentin View Post
I'm thinking of switching to the mirage liberty which has the nasal pillows and a mouth mask. Anyone have any experience with that one? Any Suggestions?
I have it and think it is great. I believe they come in small and large and I use the small even though I have a big face. It was actually what I was sent by my DME and I thought it was going to be a problem at first, but I gave it a try and it fits. I do make one slight modification though to the nasal pillows - it wrap them in dental floss to pull them a little closer together. Without that, I was getting leak problems with the pillows flaring out of my nostrals a bit and that was annoying. A little dental floss and I was all set. I think its a great mask. And I had the hybrid before it and found that decent, but not as good as the liberty for me. What works for you will depend on your face, the pressure you are set at, etc. My pressure is at a 10.
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