Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread
I was recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. During my sleep study my oxygen levels dropped down into the 50's. I've apparently had it for a while. My wife diagnosed me with it a while ago, but I didn't take it seriously.
I've had blood pressure issues for a while, but I never felt any symptoms of high blood pressure. My blood work always turned out ok, and I never had any cholesterol issues or anything so the doctors just gave me medication and sent me on my way. I haven't had a regular doctor since I was a child. I always went to a walk in clinic.
A few months ago I started having these spells where I would be short of breath and feel faint. It only happened a couple of times and never lasted long so, again, I didn't take it seriously. Then, one night it hit me again and it didn't go away. The wife drove me to the emergency room and my blood pressure was at 200/105. An EKG turned out fine as well as some blood work. My blood pressure went down a bit after a while. They couldn't determine what caused the episode and told me to go see my doctor the next week.
I went to the walk in clinic a few days after. They upped the dosage on my blood pressure meds and referred me to a regular doc. After a short interview with the new Doc he was pretty sure I had sleep apnea and it was causing my blood pressure issues. He referred me to a sleep clinic.
It turns out my wife was right. I've been on my CPAP 2 1/2 weeks and my energy level is noticeably higher. I haven't had anymore of those spells. My blood pressure has maintained in check with the help of medication. Hopefully I'll be able to get off of the medication soon. All-in-all, I just plain feel better.
I was originally fitted with a full face mask as I am a mouth breather. I think it's the mirage quattro. I've been having problems with leakage during the night. It's started waking both me and my wife. I'm thinking of switching to the mirage liberty which has the nasal pillows and a mouth mask. Anyone have any experience with that one? Any Suggestions?