Thread: Wedding Smoke
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Old 05-20-2009, 09:48 PM   #1
NJ stogie King
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Default Wedding Smoke

Hey Guys! I'm going this weekend to a wedding in Ocean City, MD for a good friend of mine! I am in the wedding party and he knows that I am an avid cigar smoker. As part of the gift for his groomsmen, he wants to add a nice cigar. He is looking to spend about $8-$10 for a stick.....he only want's to get one stick for the $8-$10 rather than multiple sticks! He is going to be picking them up at a place in Ocean City called Senor Cigars which when I visited their website said that they carry a ton of brands!! Any suggestions as to which cigars I should tell him to consider? I know that my tastes are maduro....strong sticks....but I have no clue what the other guys like (if they even smoke)! Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated!!
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