With the way news travels on the Internet, the cigar magazines often have old news.
I've got every issue of Cigar Aficionado and enjoy reading the old issues. The criticism that there are not enough cigar stuff is true. The articles are retreaded every five years or so. Handmade shoes, timeshare jets, custom suits, etc. show up every so often. This is a good time of year to subscribe, they have a two for one Father's Day special. Split it with a buddy and it will only cost you $10 a year.
Smoke magazine IMHO is the worst for ratings. I probably visit 50 or 60 cigar stores a year, maybe more, and I've never seen some of the dog rockets they review in the mag. Funny though that these stinkers are all full page advertisers. They do some good pieces on the cigar makers.
Cigar Magazine has some great articles about the legends in the business.
It's probably my favorite, although the ratings are useless. I love the historical stuff.
The best way to get cigar news is from cigarcyclopedia.com, Rich Perelman's site. Every day or two it's updated with the latest news. The comparison price list is way cool.
Smoke Shop mag, available online, is a publication for tobacconists has some good stuff.
ECCJ is really a great magazine. The fact that it is quarterly is a bummer.
That wait to get it seems like forever.