Re: True Blood
From the teaser for next week, I think we get to find out for real. My suspicion is that Sookie didn't turn despite her blood loss initially, but was instead healed because her loss was not due to the vampire. Maybe the vamp has to actually feed on the human, before passing the blood back. It's also possible she was not yet close enough to death to actually change. The specifics of that seem to change with each vampire mythology.
As far as Sam running through the field naked, I really have to wonder what's going on there. Not sure if I buy him shapechanging. What, is he a werewolf? There were a few shots of the moon in the last couple of episodes, but there's been no mention of any parallel other species, other than the "Demon" from Tara's Mom and now, I guess, Tara. That would certainly account for his standoffish nature. That would also explain why Sookie can read him, but he's different from anyone else she knows, other than the vamps.
Formerly Malik23