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Old 05-16-2009, 05:00 AM   #1506
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Default Re: NHL '08- '09 Thread

Originally Posted by icehog3 View Post
I'm a douchebag, Joe.....but I do love me some hockey....Go 'Canes!!

I am rooting for 'Canes and Kane in the Conference Finals!
I agree with the Hog on his first sentence. He rooted against an original six team playing a bunch of CT exiles from the south. Their original fans were freaking Yankee fans. Good luck to both the Canes and Hawks ( but is it a bad thing if I root for a Hawk to put Walker's face through the glass?). Can't root for the Penguins. The only time that I have rooted for a team from that city was when the Steelers played the Colts.
Jimmy, some of its magic, some of its tragic, but I had a good life all the way. He Went to Paris, J. Buffett
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