Rocky Patel was at the Olde Virginia Tobacco store in Kingstowne today. Friend and I stopped by to meet him.
As always he was very gracious and down to earth. Stayed several hours visiting and talking with him. While there he had a phone interview with Cigar Dave.
I did ask him what his go to smoke was. Either the Decade or the Sun Grown to start with. He likes full body smokes - so anything along those lines.
How many does he smoke a day? 5 to 7. Yesterday 18. When he on the farms - up to 30.
I also asked him about the difference in the original release of "The Edge" verse the current production. He said that they did tone it down a bit after the first production run. He felt it was a tad to strong.
It was great listening to him talk about the tobacco farms - and explaining how the seasonal rains, sun, etc affects the different crops. He said that all crops (for the different tobaccos) are planted the same, same place, same fertilizers, etc - but due to nature - they will come out with different tastes. Therefore he constantly has to tweak every blend to insure that it remains constant.
Funny story on the Decade box. He said he wanted something different but had a hard time describing to the box manufacturers (in Nicaragua) what he wanted, which was an old looking years weathered box. Said he took a box, tied to the back of his truck, drove it around dragging it on the street, hit with a few chains and rolled it in the mud and dirt. Gave it to the box people and said make them like this. They came back later and said - they could not do it. So the current box is made with the left over sawdust pressed.
And for you Winter Blend fans. There is no more at the moment - they sold them faster than ever expected. There is more in production. And - because it is so popluar - it's going to get it's own name/regular production. No name yet but he is leaning to either "1961" or "10th Anniversary". I didn't think to ask him why "1961".
Anyway - it was an enjoyable time. Nice small crowd with people coming and going. I smoked Spring Collection and he had a Sun Grown.
Picked up a box of the Decades which he signed for me. It came with a five pack of the ITC smokes and a free lighter (black or chrome, I choose the black one). And since my daughter is a fan of his Connecticut's - got a few smokes in a bag which he also signed to her. She thought that was way cool.
So - good enjoyable afternoon.
Got a picture together - but it's on a cell phone that didn't turn out so great.