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Old 05-13-2009, 09:23 PM   #1418
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Default Re: NHL '08- '09 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody View Post
I can only assume your homer comment ws directed at me as I was the only person to use the word.

I would like to say there is nothing wrong with being a fan and backing your team. Thats exactly what a fan does. A homer is one who ignores the negative aspects of what there team does and sees anything against them as bias or being screwed.

That was the point I was trying to make prior.
I know I know. My point was that since Tom is in Chicago and a Hawks fan, he can call out the Ducks for a few cheapshots. I was poking fun at you suggesting that because I live in Metro Detroit and am a Wings fan, you would have called me a homer. Obviously I don't know it for a fact, I was just throwing a little jab in good fun.

P.S. for the record I do not think I am a homer. I AM a huge fan but I do not blindly assume my team deserves every call. I applaud good plays and good calls against my team when it's appropriate. For example, the Wings got smoked in Game 6. They had about 5-6 minutes of good play the whole game. The Ducks were the better team. The Wings offensive talent almost bailed them out in the last 30 seconds but they deserved to lose that game.
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