Re: B12 Injections - Do you take?
Due to medical condition - I require B12 supplement for the rest of my life.
I don't take the injections - I did try it once however. I prefer not to have to make a doctors appointment each month to receive the injection when I can supplement my needs with a daily dosage rather cheaply.
The body can only absorb and/or store "x" amount of B12. In my view, taking the injections takes you from high (shortly after the injection) to a low (before the next injection) and I prefer to maintain a constant balance.
I use a pill made by Nature Made (300 tablet bottle), 1,000mcg which is more than 16,000% of the daily recommended dosage. This is not a sublingual delivery, of which I hate. Simply swallow and carry on.
I have to have a complete blood work up every three months - this includes all vitamins - and my B12 levels are always up and off the charts - so it works for me very well.
I would ask why you have the need for the B12 before deciding on a method. Medical condition, turning vegan, etc etc? Or just looking for that mental boost sometimes. Another cheap source for a quick fix is 5 Hour Energy Drink which has some 8,000% in each bottle. People also describe the extra "energy" boost - this is not a strength increase - it's a mental deal that helps give you clearer thought process resulting in a energy perception.
So anyway - look into daily dosage for long term usage. Now if I could just get my vitamin D levels above that of starving third world children - I would be good to go - LOL