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Old 05-06-2009, 07:07 PM   #46
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Default Re: Corona Gordas - Tribute/Reviews/Comparison

Name:  habcorona.jpg
Views: 647
Size:  86.6 KBLa Flor Dominicana Habano Corona

This was not on my original list of Corona Gordas, nor do I have pics, but I just smoked one of these last night at my B&M and thought I should post a review. I walked into the smoke shop and the owner/mngr. said he just got in this new, rare LFD, and he knows I love CG's, so I gave it whirl, even though I really don't go for LFD's (except Coronados), mostly because they really give me a headache and I rarely smoke Dominicans, unless highly recommended. I have been wanting to try the new LFD Salamone, but it too much $ (and time) and it will give me a HUGE headache. While smoking this I didn't know it was the same wrapper as the Salamones.

After smoking it and only found 1 online source for them...
After making his Salomons and then re-wrapping the original Small Batch No. 1 Litto still had a fair amount of Salomon wrapper leaf left. What he did was blend up some Dominican tobaccos from his farm in La Canela and made some 5 3/4 x 46 Corona cigars with his Salomon wrapper. Litto couldn't make enough to have a regular production or limited edition cigar, however he was able to put together 700 boxes of 20.
These cigars were made in very small quantities.

Seemingly pretty rare, cost $10, which at a B&M is not soo overpriced nowadays, but it is kinda high for a CG.

So first glance it had a very nice triple-cap Cuban style and a interesting very nice dark wrapper, not maduro though, more dark colorado. The pre-light was kinda tight and "thick/wet?" tasting like I find most LFD's (and some Opus), but perfectly manageable. THe burn started pretty uneven but corrected itself and maintained a razor sharp burn with a nice size ash throughout, though slightly flaky.

The cigar tasted like typical LFD, but perhaps more balanced, good amounts of smoke throughout and pretty nice, solid flavor. It was relatively complex, but not dynamic in that it didn't change/evolve, which I find with many LFD. It was slightly more Cuban-eque, but still recoginzable dominican. In general though, it was very enjoyable smoking experience.

But alas, when I began to get up (after watching the Sox sweep the Yanks TWICE!!) and drive home vitamin N kicked in and by the time I got home I had to raid the kids juice for a sugar kick and had a disgusting headache that I associate with LFD's, some Opus and many strong Dominicans. Yeah, call me a light weight, but I smoke TONS of DPG, including one of my favorites, Tat Cojonu 2003, and occasional Gran Cojonu, with a slight enjoyable buzz, at most. I don't know why but I just can revisit Litto's sticks, and it's a shame, cause I respect his approach, his product and all, and I know many really love 'em, but I hate the headaches!!

Anyway, I really can't rate this cigar on my typical scale, but if you like LFD's and you can get your hands on one of these, enjoy! It was nice to see more Cuban-esque cigar coming from LFD.
Cigar Asylum Minyan///Corona Gorda Comparison Thread
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