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Old 05-05-2009, 01:55 PM   #130
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Default Re: Fuente vs. Padron

I voted Padron because I love the padron maddies from the '000 series to the '64 and '26, they are amazingly consistent and like I said, I love the flavor. The only thing with picking padron is that it is consistent to the point of boring. You better like the flavor because it is what it is over and over and over. That said the fuente line is far more diverse but not nearly as consistent. I have had Opus cigars that blew me away and others that were quite disappointing and this goes for most of the fuente line. If fuente could get their quality control to the same level as padron with their diversity I would definitely pick the fuente but my experience with fuente to this point is hit or miss.

The anejo's are more hit than miss though.
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