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Old 04-30-2009, 09:43 AM   #21
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Default Re: Flip-Flop Restaurants!

Originally Posted by jledou View Post
Although not a popular response, they at least made their own decision to not allow cigar smoking and were not forced to by the government. It was a free decision and now they will have to face the consequences. Just like we are still free to make the decision to eat their or not depending on how we feel about it.
I agree with this statement, but I also think it is a decision that should be phased into businesses. Start posting signs a month before saying that the restaurants policy in regards to smoking will be changing on a certain date, etc. Heck, if I had planned on watching a basketball game with some fine cigars and great wings, and then to have that shot down at the last second, I would be frustrated.

But you are right, at least it was the business that was making this decision and not the government. Let the market decide which businesses want to allow smokers.
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