Thread: Chewing Cigars
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Old 04-30-2009, 08:20 AM   #14
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Default Re: Chewing Cigars

Originally Posted by Lucky_Hippo View Post
It doesn't bother me how anyone else smokes a cigar (wet or dry), drinks their scotch (ice or not), or eats thier steak (sauce or not). Why in the world would I care what someone else puts in thier mouth, let alone how they put it in their mouth.

I myself try not to drool on my chin while smoking, but it's just personal preference. I know guys who like to soak the end in cognac or snub it out and relight it a week later. Meh... To each their own device.

If someone is kind enough to take the time and sit down to enjoy a stoogie with me, they could smoke it through their ear for all I care.

i mate take u up on that offer mate i dont have a problem with smoking it with a ear aslong as the ear isnt chewing it lol
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