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Old 04-29-2009, 07:01 PM   #2
The Dude Abides
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Default Re: Flip-Flop Restaurants!

I actually had the opposite experience at Twin Peaks (same "idea" as Hooters) in Plano, TX this past weekend. First time eating there, went in with 2 cigars in my pocket to enjoy after the Mavs game. (Can't smoke inside the restaurant though) Waitress grabs my cigars out of my pocket and says "I'll be right back.. I'm not taking them I promise!". Comes back 5 minutes later and says the manager is a fan of cigars and wants to try the Cubao I had on me.. and was going to comp $30 worth of food and beer if I agreed. I did the simple math and $30 > $6 cigar.. so I agreed, he later came over and we had a nice conversation.

Not exactly what your question was pertaining to.. but I think it shows every establishment can be different. It certainly sounds like the waitress just didn't know WTH she was taking about.
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