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Old 04-29-2009, 02:08 PM   #10
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Default Re: Draw Tools Question

Originally Posted by md4958 View Post

If the cigar is long enough to be gripped, I find that holding it in a fist will provide you better accuracy and prevent you from poking through the side because youre cautious not to poke your hand.

I used to pitch them too, but the other night I was so frustrated I went and took a metal coat hanger, clipped with a pair of pliers just above one of the bends, and then at an angle in the middle of the straight portion... voilą, instant draw tool. Clipping at an angle gives you a sharp point, and will cut through the plug, instead of pushing through it... then give it a little twist just to give you that much more space.

You might need to do it more than once.

Anyway, it saved the stick I was smoking.
I have no problem saving the stick but its never quite the same.
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