Re: Fight my Brute!
Alright I got bored with just one brute so I made a few more (27)! Now I waste my time with 81 fights a day, had to make it feel like a real game. So anyhow I am giving up 17 of them, with the level and PW so that you can change it to your own PW. All I ask is that you put your name by any you choose so that everyone knows it has been claimed. Heres the list:
01. 6 - 111111 - sparky68
02. 6 - 222222 - sparky357
03. 6 - 333333 - hunter357
04. 6 - 444444 - bigshot550
05. 6 - 555555 - 3006
06. 5 - 666666 - 22250
07. 5 - 777777 - zgun
08. 6 - 888888 - spanky68
09. 5 - 999999 - spanky357
10. 6 - aaaaaa - spanky50bmg
11. 6 - bbbbbb - cigar50bmg
12. 5 - cccccc - upinsmoke
13. 5 - dddddd - hunter50
14. 5 - eeeeee - cigarmafia
15. 4 - ffffff - cigarbrute
16. 6 - gggggg - 50bmgbrute
17. 5 - hhhhhh - cubancigar
Hope this helps a few Brothers out! And have fun!