Well it has been consistently reaching into the mid 80's here in the buckeye state as of late. My A/C is not working so my cabinet humidor temperatures are creeping up to around 80 degrees in the day and down to around 70 at night.
Need less to say the these are not good conditions for my prized collection. I am terrified of the feared tobacco bettle ravaging my collection.
Onto the questions....
1) Most of my cigars have been in my humi for some time. Most of the time you hear of people freezing them immediately upon receiving them. Is it okay to freeze these cigars even though they have been in my humi for a period of time.
2) Should I double bag the cigars or are they fine in a single bag in the freezer?
3) Should I freeze both CC's and NCs, or are the NC's not necessary?
4) How long should I freeze them to make sure they are tobacco free?
Any other advice for me that doesn't involve the word "vino"?
Thanks in advance Gents
Oh yeah...if anyone references anything about the search function I will monkey stomp your head